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  • How do I get endorsed? What is your artist policy?
    ASM is always looking to partner with artists who will strengthen the ASM brand, demonstrate the musicality of our products, and join in on helping to move our brand forward. Key to any endorsement program is the idea of partnership. Any partnership needs to be a symbiotic business relationship. In any business there needs to be a quantifiable return on investment. Typical marketing endeavors that can be quantified could be: Video interviews with an artist who has a large following that generates views. Artist branded sound banks that the company could use. Visible product and logo placement on broadcast TV, or music festival shows (no tape of the name and logos). 3rd party media interviews where brand and product is shown or mentioned by artist. Trade-show or in-store demonstrations and appearances where the artist name will draw followers. Please contact us at with a business proposal and links to all relevant social media, past interviews, tour dates, films, TV, etc.
  • What is your warranty?
    Starting July 1st 2022, Ashun Sound Machines warrants products to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for 2 years from the original purchase date. This is a retroactive warranty. You will need a copy of your purchase receipt, from an authorized Ashun Sound Machines dealer, to verify your purchase date. We cover any workmanship or parts failures that are not attributed to abuse or misuse. Contact your dealer first as they may have their own return policy. Inside the USA, contact Ashun Sound Machines at for a return authorization. For units purchased out of the USA, please contact the distributor in your territory.
  • Where do I return a defective unit?
    All returns need to happen with the dealer you bought the unit from or through the distributor in your country/territory. Please purchase from a reputable dealer, in the territory of your own countries distributor, who you know will help you if a problem arises. Dealers and distributors can be found under the DEALERS section of this website.
  • What power supply do I need?
    The Hydrasynth Desktop, Keyboard, and Explorer require a 12V DC, center pin positive, 1A (minimum) convertor. The Hydrasynth Deluxe requires a 12V DC, center pin positive, 2A (minimum) convertor. Using any supply other than the factory one will void your warranty and potentially cause a failure or create a shock hazard.
  • Does the power supply support multiple voltages?
    The power adaptor we supply supports input voltages from 100V to 240V. We ship with Type A, C, G, and I adaptors.
  • How do I import a sound bank into my Hydrasynth?
    We have a manual on using the Patch Manager software that shows how to import sound banks. You can download it on our download page. We also have a video showing how to use the patch manager on our Youtube channel.
  • I can't seem to update my Hydrasynth. USB fail to connect error.
    To update your Hydrasynth, you need to boot it up in update mode. Do this by powering up with the ARP ON + LATCH buttons held down. For full directions on updating please download the 'Hydrasynth Update Guide' from our Downloads page or watch the 'Hydrasynth Updater' video on our Youtube channel.
  • The Hydrasynth is not responding to my product that sends channel aftertouch.
    The Hydrasynth can respond to channel aftertouch, however because the Hydrasynth has a poly aftertouch keybed and pads, we optimzed all the factory patches for Polyphonic aftertouch. To set a patch to Channel or Mono aftertouch, go to the MOD MATRIX page and change any modulation source that says PolyAftT to MonoAftT and then it should work fine.
  • I am getting strange things when using the Hydrasynth with a sequencer.
    MIDI Loops tend to be a problem for people not used to using external hardware with a computer DAW. The problem is that you are sending data to the computer but then sending that same data back to the Hydrasynth. The voice engine and other parameters are then getting duplicated messages and sometimes the messages get jumbled in the process. To avoid this, use MIDI LOCAL OFF in the System page 4. This disables internal control and puts the Hydrasynth in external control only. So now when you press a key, the message does not go to the voice, but it goes to your computer and your computer sends it back to the voice. This will fix a wide range of DAW/SEQ problems.
  • Will you add XYZ feature?
    While we are always looking to improve our product, we will not be announcing future updates or potential feature additions until we are close to releasing an update. We do not want to fall into the false promise or vaporwave announcements that sometimes happen in our market.
  • Is there a particular sequencer you like that would work well with the Hydrasynth?
    Since the Hydrasynth sends polyphonic aftertouch, you should find a DAW that also supports this. As of this writing Logic Audio, Cubase, Digital Performer and Pro Tools support Polyphonic aftertouch. Bitwig supports it but they reinterpret the MIDI data coming in and send much more data out which can create problems for the Hydrasynth. If your DAW is not on this list, please contact them and request supporting polyphonic aftertouch.
  • What are your companies social and environmental practices?
    ASM does not discriminate against any race, religion, sexual orientation or political leaning. The factory who makes our products pays fair wages, with fair hours, operates in a green manner and exceeds regulations for clean working environments and values their employees' health and well being. The factory is certified for ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS1800 and SA8000.
  • My ribbon controller is not in tune.
    Please reference pg 93 of your owners manual for the calibration proceedure.
  • My pitch and mod wheels are not responding correctly.
    Please reference pg 93 of your owners manual for the calibration proceedure.
  • How do I link two Hydrasynths together to get 16 voices?
    Enable OVERFLOW mode, NRPN TX and Program Change TX on the master unit. On the slave unit enable NRPN RX and Program Change RX. Please reference your owner manual for more info.
  • Are the outputs balanced or unbalanced?
    The outputs are electrically balanced TRS connectors.
  • When will units be available in XYZ country?
    The demand for Hydrasynth is very high. We are making units as fast as we can. Please contact the distributor in your country for availablity dates. Our list of distributors can be found on the DEALER page.
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